Apartment 6B
“Beauty and Comfort are Interpreted in Kansas City Homes"
In March 1952, the KC Star featured several homes in an article entitled, “Beauty and Comfort are Interpreted in These Kansas City Homes.” Brick and Mona's Sophian apartment had a few photos included.
Owners past
Best known dates at The Sophian, 1940-1976
Brick (nicknamed for his red hair) and Mona were perhaps the longest standing tenants in the building, some 36 years, according to our current research. Brick was an insurance broker with RB Jones, and the grandson of John Bristow Wornall, an early settler of Kansas City, for whom Wornall Road is named. He was a history buff and was elected as president of the Jackson County Historical Society. He was also president of Native Sons and was historian for Sons of the Revolution. News reports remark that he was a wonderful and funny raconteur.
1923 original floor plan: "B" stack
The Courtyard View
The "B" apartment layout is a capaciously wide one-bedroom plan. Like all Sophian apartments it has a second entrance to the kitchen to separate the service and family, social side of the apartment.
The most common renovations in this stack of apartments are modernizing the kitchen space and adding more closets to the bedroom.
Photos and quotes from the Star’s KC Spaces section. “Nesting Instincts,” by Judith Fertig, photographed by Aaron Leimkuehler, December 2010-January 2011.
interiors Past | Apartment 2B
Best known dates at The Sophian, 1998-2017
“The view still takes my breath away,” confesses Faith Shaff of her Sophian Plaza condo. From the east-facing windows, she and husband, Bob, a retired businessman, watch the leaves newly bud. Beyond their small balcony, stands the classically styled Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the minimalist Bloch building, and the sinuous curves of the Henry Moore Sculpture Garden.”
Faith sold antiques at the Mission Road Antique Mall, from the day it opened in 1994 to the day it closed in 2018.
interiors Past | Apartment 3B
Photos from realtor site.